Absolut geil, bei solch eine geile Eierbearbeitung wäre ichbsehr gerne ebenfalls das Opfer. Wer (Einzelner m/w, Paar, Gruppe) auch mal die Eier eines devoten Masosklaven so oder ähnlich demolieren will, bitte bitte melden und meine Eier sind Ihre!
I thought that it looked kind of familiar was almost positive that I had seen it used in another video before I agree that it is wasted on this loser as is this ladies attention he is completely unworthy i think that the glory hole is getting rather busy with all of the individuals being sent there there is going to be very long lines we need to open a couple more around town
This video is in the outdoor setting I have seen in a number of Club Dom videos but it is wasted on this loser. The lady does need a pair of boots and a more sadistic attitude. you can send this grossly overreacting loser to the glory hole to join the rest of the wimps you have sent there..
Beautiful outdoor setting but he is weak and pathetic with his overacting she is barefoot not even wearing boots he needs to come visit the compound where we do things properly and will give him something to really scream about he is super disrespectful too spread your fucking legs and take it like a man she needs to strap him to the cross and invite a few lady friends over for some target practice